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MCCLELLAND 2025 50 gr Virginia+Xanthi+Virginia Cavendish- seven years old

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    Possibly the greatest overlooked McClelland bulk, for two reasons: first, because no one knows what an “English Cavendish” is, and second because it needed to be aged.
    First, this is McClelland lemon Brazilian and orange Middle Belt virginia plus Xanthi (the oriental that gives it its amazing taste) plus “English” cavendish (that is, steamed and fermented McClelland virginias).* So it’s not what anyone I know would really call an “English” tobacco.
    Second, because of the Xanthi and cavendish, it needed to be aged at least six months to properly marry the Virginias with the Xanthi and cavendish. I acquired this in 2020 when it already had at least three years of aging (McClelland went out of business in 2017)—so now it’s at least seven years old.
    And don’t forget, if you don’t know the story, that Mary McNeil shopped for the Xanthi herself in Greece, because she has family there.
    *An “English cavendish” is steamed and fermented virginia tobacco. An “American cavendish” (which is what we all think of when we think of cavendish) is steamed/fermented burley. Not the same thing by worlds.



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    Auction Information

      Shipping: $10.40

      From: n/a

      To: n/a

      (Ended) MCCLELLAND 2025 50 gr Virginia+Xanthi+Virginia Cavendish- seven years old

      Possibly the greatest overlooked McClelland bulk, for two reasons: first, because no one knows what an “English Cavendish” is, and second because it needed to be aged.
      First, this is McClelland lemon Brazilian and orange Middle Belt virginia plus Xanthi (the oriental that gives it its amazing taste) plus “English” cavendish (that is, steamed and fermented McClelland virginias).* So it’s not what anyone I know would really call an “English” tobacco.
      Second, because of the Xanthi and cavendish, it needed to be aged at least six months to properly marry the Virginias with the Xanthi and cavendish. I acquired this in 2020 when it already had at least three years of aging (McClelland went out of business in 2017)—so now it’s at least seven years old.
      And don’t forget, if you don’t know the story, that Mary McNeil shopped for the Xanthi herself in Greece, because she has family there.
      *An “English cavendish” is steamed and fermented virginia tobacco. An “American cavendish” (which is what we all think of when we think of cavendish) is steamed/fermented burley. Not the same thing by worlds.

      This auction contains tobacco.  If you live in certain states, you will be unable to purchase this product.

      Bid History (0 Bids)

      # Amount Bidder Type Date
      $49.98   Start 22 May 2024 @ 1:18:34pm
      The auction has ended!

      Ending Price
