A perfectly stored and aged Sutliff Virginia Slices batch. 8 ounces. Complete flakes. 2021 vintage. Sanitized jar, funnel, and gloved hands used to store.
Up for bid is X1 - 2oz sealed tin of Seattle Pipe Club's Deception Pass from 2015. Tin has been aged in a climate controlled environment. Tin is in perfect…
Folks, This is a rare opportunity of a lifetime. For your consideration is a full case of 12 sealed Hi-Plane tobacco packs by the legendary makers of Edgeworth, Larus &…
Genuine perique is added to an already delicious and flavoursome blend of fine bright Virginias to give St. James the light peppery characteristic enjoyed by so many pipe smokers. Medium…
Unopen 500g bag of Peterson Irish Oak. A great aged blend of cavendish, Zimbabwean, Virginia and Perique. No date code but I purchased it in April 2015.