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Samuel Gawith & Co, Full Virginia Flake (Approx. 2001), Two- 50 gram sealed tins

Samuel Gawith & Co, Full Virginia Flake (Approx. 2001), Two- 50 gram sealed tins. Gold Metal tins. Has been stored indoors in a temperature and humidity control environment. No reserve…
Categories: Tobaccos

McClelland, Christmas Cheer, 100 gr sealed tin (1998)

McClelland, Christmas Cheer, 100 gr sealed tin (1998). It’s been stored indoors in a temperature and humidity controlled environment . No reserve 10 day auction.
Categories: Tobaccos

McClelland, Christmas Cheer, 100 gr sealed tin (2001)

McClelland, Christmas Cheer, 100 gr sealed tin (2001). It’s been stored indoors in a temperature and humidity controlled environment . No reserve 10 day auction.
Categories: Tobaccos

McClelland, Latakia PCCA, Two 50 gr sealed tins (2000)

McClelland, Latakia PCCA, Two 50 gr sealed tins (2000). It’s been stored indoors in a temperature and humidity controlled environment . No reserve 10 day auction.
Categories: Tobaccos

McCranie’s Red Ribbon 1983 Prime (1999), 50 gr tin

McCranie’s Red Ribbon 1983 Prime (1999), 50 gr tin. Has been stored in a temperature and humidity control environment. 10 day auction with no reserve.
Categories: Tobaccos

McCranie’s Red Flake 1983 Prime (1994), 50 gr tin

McCranie’s Red Flake 1983 Prime (1994), 50 gr tin. Has been stored in a temperature and humidity control environment. 10 day auction with no reserve.
Categories: Tobaccos

McCranie’s Red Flake 1996 Prime (2004), 50 gr tin

McCranie’s Red Flake 1996 Prime (2004), 50 gr tin. Has been stored in a temperature and humidity control environment. 10 day auction with no reserve.
Categories: Tobaccos

McClelland, Syrian Full Balkan Reserve PCCA (2000). 50 gr sealed tin

McClelland, Syrian Full Balkan Reserve PCCA (2000). 50 gr sealed tin, 10 day no reserve auction.
Categories: Tobaccos

McClelland, Full Balkan Reserve PCCA (1994, purchased in 2003), Two- 50 gr sealed tins

McClelland, Full Balkan Reserve PCCA (1994, purchased in 2003), Two- 50 gr sealed tins, 10 day no reserve auction.
Categories: Tobaccos

Christian peper tobacco co

1 1/2 oz Christian peper tobacco co Louisiana perique cutter top from the mid 1920s. Tin has good pressure in the top and no rattle when shaken. Zero holes tobacco…

McClelland, Syrian Full Balkan Reserve PCCA (2000). 50 gr sealed tin

McClelland, Syrian Full Balkan Reserve PCCA (2000). 50 gr sealed tin, 10 day no reserve auction.
Categories: Tobaccos

McClelland, Full Balkan Reserve PCCA (1995). 50 gr sealed tin

McClelland, Full Balkan Reserve PCCA (1995). 50 gr sealed tin, 10 day no reserve auction.
Categories: Tobaccos